To do, updates, and thanks~!

This post is going to also benefit me, because I'm going to list the things I need to get done today. But I'll also include stuff for y'all to read! :D

.~. do homework
.~. wash clothes - whites and darks
.~. stop by mom's house and pick up pillow, clothes, flashdrive, and scan Mocha's ref pic
.~. upload Mocha's ref pic
.~. draw Gil, Moyasu, and Aberius
.~. post in PGR

Anyway! So this weekend I'm at my dad's, who has internet. For some reason Cox is slackin' and something happened with the internet at mom's house. But today I think, the Cox guys are coming to the house to see what's up with the internet and hopefully fix it. My laptop 'grabs' internet from the home computer at my house, and we had taken that computer to the shop because it was so slow and stuff. It had like 100 viruses and 300-something spywares! D: But the guy fixed the computer and it looks a whole lot better. But now the internet is wacky. DX


On one hand, I'm sick of chibis. But I also LOVE drawing them on that base! It's fun and easy, all I have to do is draw the hair and clothes, and color it. I don't even have to shade them, I stopped shading them a long time ago XD I'm sorry guys, I'm just too lazy. OTL

After I'm done, I hope to make a banner for the introduction of PGR and I hope Otomi-chan will put my banner up there for everyone to see! It's going to be really complicated to have to fit all 33 gijinkas into it!! @A@ I just hope I can have enough room to. I'll probably have to resize all the characters and squish them all together T^T

Since there's going to be so much confusion with all the chibis on the banner, I think I'm just going to leave the background white. A cool background would only add to the chaos. XD

Oh yeah!! I finished Mocha's reference picture! I colored the pictures and inked the words and everything. I'm so pleased with how she came out! I have never done better of a job at drawing cat anatomy. I can tell I've improved. And a fellow artist at my school (lol who is my friend of course) -actually I got her to join on here and her username is 28daysuntil I think...- is great with anatomy and so she gave me the heads-up for my drawing. Her advice is really valuable to me. ^-^

Thank you for reading this episode of Eneko's Room! To my lovely few viewers. I wanna send some specific thanks to some nice people (understatement alert XD) who I'm thankful for! These people have kinda made an effect on me in the last few days ^~^

Val-chan: you comment on like every single artwork I've submitted! It always makes my day when I look at my new comments page and basically what I see is:
(etc....add more 'Vdr-07's to your liking)
XD!! Thank you so much for all your input. You're an awesome friend and artist! I totally love your style, and you always draw cool, interesting poses! You even pull them off very well. Your imagination is huge and I should be more like you in that aspect! And you draw such hot guys |3 Keep drawing and maturing in your talent!! :3

Kitty-chan: you're really fun to talk to and you quickly became my friend. You always have something interesting to say! Lol I love reading your comments because they always make me laugh. Yours and Aberius' antics are so entertaining to read! And the way you use him in your comments helps develop him as a character even while outside of PGR boundaries. That's a really good idea! ^o^ And you're great with anatomy as well! When I look at your drawings I make sure to study the anatomy you drew because it's like practice for me and it helps. ^-^

Iruka-san: You've been commenting on much of my stuff now! I noticed and I really appreciate your input! And you make such hilarious cards. I love your wit! X3 And you are really good with drawing Pokemon and animals. For me, I have trouble with that so I can really learn from you.

Well, that may be it for now...! I can't remember if I had to say anything else. ^^;

Eneko out!
