First Football Game of the Season!

So last night was our first football game! I'm in the band, as many of you know, so I kinda had to go. I hate football but I love marching season because I'm with the band and we are a huge family and I love them <3

Lol we never really watch the game, we just talk amongst ourselves and hack (play on our instruments when we're not supposed to) when Doc isn't looking. Hurr hurr BD

Our show's theme this year is Africa! The four movements are Serengheti Sunrise, Gazelles, Cool Shade, and Brush Fire and Rain. The second and last ones are sooo fast! Sadly we haven't gotten up to that speed yet but I hope that will get better with time.

Click here!! Listen!!

So one of our trumpet players and one of our tuba players together came up with a ritual to say when we're on the sidelines waiting for halftime to get on the field. We bunch up in a huge mosh pit thing, and jump around and get pumped, and They scream stuff and we all respond! It goes like this:

"What are we?"
"What are we?"
"What kind of band are we?"
-"One band!!"
"What kind of sound do we produce?"
-"One sound!!"
"Blow on three! 1, 2, 3!"

CB It's so hilarious. Everyone loves it and Doc even approved, which is something I thought he wouldn't do. I love it! Though I was laughing almost the whole time so I couldn't say half of the responses. XDD

We lost 10-28. "OTL

Doc does this thing where during the 4th quarter he lets the seniors in the band (aka ME!! and 7 of my fellow band members) travel to the opponent's side and sit in with their band! We talked to them and they're cool. I got to meet my fellow clarinet kin <3 And one of our drummers and a clarinet player were telling their band about Doc. He's such an old creeper perv. The clarinet player and I both had him as a band director in middle school, too.

And there was much losing of the game, as well. CB<

Eneko out!
