
Lol I'm so sorry guys! School is so busy! I never post on here anymore... a warning to the underclassmen: SENIOR YEAR IS VERY BUSY. It may not be hard exactly, but there's so much going on. And PHYSICS IS JUST AS HARD AS EVERYONE SAYS IT IS. But I managed to end up with a C in my Honors Physics class! This quarter I'll do better ^~^9

Today is October 16, time for our annual (well it's our 3rd time going) Dutchtown Marching Competition Festival Thingy!! 8DDD I'm so excited! It's like a huge band nerd convention and its so fun <3333 Our show is called Africa this year. It has four movements: Sunrise on the Serengeti, Gazelles, Cool Shade, and Brush Fire and Rain. I'll give you a link to the place you can hear it, if you're interested! :3

Clicky here to listen to our show! 8D

External ImageThis is a pic of our band doing our show at Dutchtown two years ago. (Amazonian Rainforest)

The freshmen who MISSED THE WEEK OF BAND CAMP BEFORE SCHOOL STARTED still don't know much. And like.....everone's just walking. They don't understand how to MARCH in time with the MUSIC. Ugh. I don't think we'll win anything. Maybe a pity trophy XDD

Oh! Our band is in the A category. Meaning its the...smallest band size, I believe? Not too sure.

I really gotta go get ready since I have to be there at 10am, so ttyl guys!!

Eneko out!
