Dutchtown Results.... -cringes-

They grade you on Auxillery, Percussion, and Overall band.

We got 2, 2, 3. We fail.

This originally was a huge paragraph ranting but my brother CLOSED MY WINDOW AND GOT RID OF ALL THAT I HAD TYPED JUST BECAUSE I TOOK A BALL HE WAS PLAYING WITH IN THE HOUSE AND HE WASNT SUPPOSED TO!! And we have two bratty 5 year olds runnning in the houseand playing balla nd their mom is not controlling them and I'm TRYING TO DO MY HOMEWORK AND IM GETTING INTERRUPTED AND HIT WITH BALLS IN THE HEAD!!! I'm really mad right now that I have to retype this. Im going to summarize it. Sorry for typoes. I dont care anymore.

maybe tomorrow if i get time im giong to go back and redo this and make it pretty and grammatically correct. but not right now.

Doc is very mean this year. I betthe freshies will quit after marching season.
We can't march. Were the worst band there.
Saxes didnt come in. Made the clarinets hesitant and we didnt come in.
Different tempoes so i didnt know which to march to.
No cool horn movememts. Doc should have us do stuff other than marching.
Were the smallest but most obnoxious band. Very loud when were not supposed to . Other bands kept saying"SHHHHHH!!"
Didnt even have matching shirts to identify us as a band after we preformed. Very small but very loud.

the all-boys highschool, Catholic High, was the best IMO. Basically the aliens (the dancerflags) took over the band and they stole a saxophone. I hope someone taped all the bands cus i wanna show yall.
St. amant won overall in the state though. catholic was .3 behind. They were sad XDDD

went to waffle house after with 3 of my senior friends and i bonded! then went to the parking lot of home depot and played with the carts and raced and stuff. took funny vids. then slept at my junior clarinet friends house to evade these kids at my house for a night. but i had to come back home today. and work on top of al this. I still have physics and a biology formal lab report to do. Omg.

SIIIIIIGH Just wish me luck and stuff guys! Help me cope with these super-annoying kids who their mom is leaving me to control.... -crawls into corner and cries in fetal position-

Eneko out..... DX
