
Well, today is my school's open house, so we got off early, at 11:30. So I had time for the computer today!! I just posted another part of Nyarth's past, so go read it ^~^

I was thinking, I could probably wake up a little earlier than I usually do and get on the computer in the mornings before school. And if I try to go faster with my homework, I might be able to spare some minutes after school.

Because I really gotta read the posts in PGR that I missed. And possibly do the STF if I have time. And post to get Nyarth back in the story. Because I feel terrible about not participating in the rp.... ;~;'s really hot in this house. I'm getting those heat wave things, you know where you feel really hot and then you get a strange wave of coldness? O______o it's really weird. I want it to stop >.>;

I drew Addy, a key character in Nyarth's past, and I'm inking her today! Maybe I'll be finished coloring and updated her before I post the part of his past with her in it, so y'all can see what she looks like before reading the post. ^-^ I already love her! She came out so beautiful! I'm thinking, if I flesh her out as a character more, I might use her in PGR as my second character. That is, once I get active again. -_-'

Hee hee I'm not gonna tell you what kind of Pokemon she is yet >w<
.....I will give the hint that she is a normal type!! And she's a second-stage evolution. Meaning there is one Pokemon below her on the Evolution chain.

What else... oh!! This Saturday is another marching competition!! We have been practicing even harder since our major fail at Dutchtown two weekends ago, so wish us luck!! I hope we improve, that's all. I don't aim to beat anybody. I know we won't win anyway since we're not the biggest band and we can't go from last place to first place in two weeks XDDD I'm really excited for it! It will be fun to watch even more bands compete with their halftime shows. ^o^

I love physics!! Yes, it's really tough, and I do have a C I believe right now.... but I love it! I never wanted to get homework EVER before in my life but I actually ask for physics homework. Somehow it's really fun to do these problems. And I'm actually GETTING this unit. It's on forces, acceleration, mass and tension and stuff. Newton's laws. F = M*A. :3

Work at Taco Bell has been still fun! I got two more checks and I think so far I've gotten 5? But now I have to pay insurance for my car so I don't really rake in that much spare change T^T But the silver lining is that Shayde comes to visit me after work! >w< So I get to see him some on the weekends and it's a great way to end the workday hah XD He got a huge dog collar, like a bigger version of mine, and I got a leash to attach it to his collar NYAHAHA!! It's fun to yank him by it everywhere >w<~<3

My 18th birthday was fun too! One of my best friends made me oreo balls and they were lovely~<3 and I got cupcakes and ULTRA MEGA GIANT SLIMMYJIMS *drools* and a buncha other stuff. And I still have to go visit Shayde and get my birthday presents like he keeps reminding me to get T^T And I got a football game on my birthday :3 Also I got many gifties and messages from my friends here on TheO, THANK Y'ALL SOOOOOO MUCH!!!! It totally made my day when I got on TheO and it said something like "20 new messages." and maybe 6 of "you have received a gift!!" >w< Thanks a bunch guys!!! I love you all!!!

I really need some new inking pens. I'm totally out and have to use my ballpoint Zebra Pen to ink Addy. Yes, Zebra Pen is the pen I use everyday and I use him now to ink my drawings :3

I guess that's it....!

Eneko out!
