BD Ohhhh yeah bby~

If any of you noticed, the post I put on Nyarth's world read this:
My Past - Part 6 (Entry 9)
Heh. Heh. Yesssss.
I didn't even try to do that. CB

On other notes, today I have a scratchy throat! D: It hurts to cough ughhhhhhh...... I'm sucking on a Hall's cough drop but it doesn't taste good... *hack hack*

Trick or treating was a lot of fun and a huge success! I went as a bottle of mustard and my best friend Becca went as my counterpart, ketchup! We looked so adorable. OOOH that reminds me I need to show you a pic! Here, I took it with my (new) Blackberry Curve 2! :3

I am thoroughly impressed and satisfied with my candy intake this year. *nods* I got a lot, then one of my friends starting pelting me with all of HIS candy, so I got that much more! He let me keep them all. The only bad thing is that I got hit in the collarbone with a Snickers (believe me it really hurts), hit in the chin with a Smarties, and hit right smack-dab in the-- well the lady-hole-- with a Tootsie Roll >.>; Hey I'm sorry my legs just happened to be open! *panicdrops*

Anyway, my Halloween was fun. And I'm still in the Edward Scissorhands obsession. I found this cute bag on dA that someone is selling, and I will buy it!! It's only $45 and I have many moneys. I've been needing a new bag to put stuff in. This one is uber cute and it has purple on it too! A favorite color plus! =^o^=

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And just because I'm obsessed, here's some more pictures of Edward <33

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After I post this, I'm going off to A Hoard of Poffins to type up another addition to Nyarth's past! ^~^ I think y'all get to meet Addy this time! Possibly....

Eneko out!
