Hee hee <3 Joyfulness~

So Val-chan drew both of us and it's such an amazing picture!! I absolutely love it!! I'm seriously printing it up as we speak, full-blown on a piece of computer paper, and I'm going to take it to school tomorrow and show ALL of my friends what my awesomesauce bestest friend down in Bogota, Columbia drew for me <333 I always talk about her to my friends, and now I get to show them how well she draws >w<~

I really need to start on my part of the arttrade with her, so I racked my brain and finally found some inspiration!! I'm gonna work on the picture tomorrow in school and may have the rough draft OR possibly even the finished lineart done by the end of the day :33 I got a very cute idea; I just hope I can pull it off like Val-chan did. ;~;

On top of that, today my awesome son (lol actually he's a freshman trumpet, named Chase, in my band who I adopted as my son) told me that I'm his best best friend out of all the people he knows! I think that's normally really unlikely that this would happen (can you become a best friend to someone 3 years younger than you in less than 3 months? O_O) but I believe him that I am, so thats another thing to make me super happy right now! >w<

A third thing on top of THAT, is that Tuesday seemed to be the worst of my sickness; Tuesday I took a nap after school and woke up worse -- I had a fever -- but it went away by Wednesday and today I was only slightly hoarse and my sore throat and my runny nose have decreased a whole lot! I'm recovering from whatever sickness I had waaaaay faster than I thought I would! So that really makes me glad ^~^

AND YET ANOTHER THING to make me overly happy: I got 3 new subscribers!! Earlier I lost one which made me really sad T^T but then today I got 3 NEW PEEPS WHO APPARENTLY LIKE MY AMETEUR ART. I've never seen any comments or anything from those 3 people but I love them now!! Now I have 65 subs!

I only need 4 more to make 69...... come on guys!! Please? CB

I really wanna update more to Nyarth's past, and I just have to write like a couple sentences more to have it long enough to post on his world, but I am getting too anxious! I wanna introduce Addy to y'all!
Speaking of her, thank you so much for all your comments about how adorable she is! She blushed and looked really pleased when she read them >w<~<3

ALSOALSOALSO!!! Zebra Pen still hasn't told me his name!! >:@ Come on, please give me your thoughts about what his name could be!! I am getting the feeling that it starts with a Z. And make it cool. It doesn't have to start with a Z but it does have to be cool. That's the only criteria. So far I thinkk I've only gotten one suggestion, from Shaydey, "Zen". Come on I need moar suggestionsssss ;^;

I think that is all!~

Eneko OUT!!
