Break Tiem!

Whoo! I'm off all this week for my Thanksgiving break! Actually I kinda wish I was in school, really. For one, I'm incredibly bored and have nothing to do now, and I don't get to see my friends all the time on break. ;^;

So I'm planning on seeing the HP movie soon and I'm gonna take my sisterdaughter and my son to go see it. :3 (you'd know what I'm referencing if you read my previous post and the comments) Hopefully their mean parents will let me sleep over there. Then I can honestly say "IV'E SLEPT AT A BOY'S HOUSE!!" Heh heh. |3 Just for the laughs and the eyebrow wiggles.

My Edward Scissorhands bag got sent into the mail two Wednesdays ago but it still hasn't come in! T^T I want it. I hope it comes soon. Then again, she IS sending it from like South America or something.

Woah! Lightbulb! Val-chan, if you're reading this, do you wanna be pen pals and send actual letters to each other?? It'd be so much fun and letter writing is so much more personal than texting or messaging on TheO. Lemme know what you think!

I'm still thinking of when I can put Nyarth back into the story at PGR. This week I'll have lots of time to post, so I should do it soon. I need ideas...

A few days ago I drew the cutest thing! He's a male calico named Taberius. His nickname is "Tabs" or I call him "Tabby" all the time so his real name doesn't actually matter XD He's 15 1/2 but he's small for his age. He looks 12. Yes my pedophilia is back. I can't stop drawing little boys. I can't help it! "OTL

He's an anthro, with an irrationally huge fluffy tail, bell, and ears. He is gay, making him my first gay character, and he makes so many sexual innuendos and is very touchy-feely. Also he's like an imp or a jester; he loves to play tricks and tease people. Nyarth's scared of him. Though Orpheus (who I noticed his hair is somewhat like) isn't as bothered..... HM! Well I'll just see what I learn. I'm curious.

One day, I got stuck in standstill traffic on my way to school and I saw Tabby just walking on the side of the road. So I just picked him up and kept him! He's too adorable to pass up! <33 I need to color him, then I'll post him up. I need to figure out the right colors for him. He has very slight Japanese Bobtail influences, very slight. He considers himself lucky. XD

Lessee. What else?.... I had an all-weekend retreat in Norwood, La. It was so much fun! It wasn't all "pray pray pray GOD IS GOOD pray pray pray" all the time. They let us do really whatever we wanted most of the time. They let us wander by ourselves out in the beautiful surrounding landscape for quiet time to think and be quiet. It was beautiful there. There were two lakes and an abundance of pine trees and oak trees. Also I had some near-fateful encounters with some Brown Recluse spiders. O___O; (they're super poisonous)
And the food was really good too. Saturday for supper they made these amazing rolls and spaghetti and meatballs too. :3

My band's Christmas concert is coming up soon! We're playing Ukranian Bell Carol, Fum Fum Fum, Midnight Sleighride, and A Winter's Carol. Doc threw out the hard radio version of Sleighride because the freshmen couldn't get it. >.>;; I love Midnight Sleighride! Click on this link to hear it!!
Do it.

I love that song. Since we only have one piccolo, and the harmony in the beginning and the end needs to be played, Doc let ME play it!! I'm so excited!! >w<

If you want to listen to our other songs, here's handy links to hear them! Tell me if you listen to them.
Ukrainian Bell Carol
Fum, Fum, Fum
A Winter's Carol

Eneko out!
