Furreh Weekend!!

Sooo this weekend I found two more furries and made one furry! SUGOIIIII!!!!

One is none other than Brett-kuuuuunnnnn the awesome country boy eeeep! If yall read my introduction, youd know that im obsessed with anything country and the country accent melts my heart sooo much Heeheehee! He's a southern red wolf I believe..... I used to think that trying to find a furry with a country accent was too much to wish for, but here he is in all his epicness! >W< it's fun to skype him too :3 he showed me his knife he made from a railroad spike :0 is so cool how he makes them!

And the second furry, is someone I already knew! His name is Jacob and I've known him since drama club started this year. He is a cat like me!! I finally found my kitteh-kin! I thought cat furries were slightly rare, but I cant believe i already found one hehe. He is so much fun to text; finally i have someone who texts fast like me! We only speak to each other in Lolcat speak and it's so fun X333 I finally found out this weekend when we were texting that he is a furry. Whoot!

We both need to decide what species of cats we are... But we do know that I have long fur and a long fluffy tail, and he's a black cat with red and purple stripes :3 heh I'm gonna get him to wear one of my kitty bells to school now to identify us as kitty kin X333

And the furry I helped create is Val-chan! She wanted to be one and i helped her over blackberry messenger to discover her species. She decided she's a ferret! How kawaiiiiiiii! I am so happy i got to help her on her way to furriness. I'm the first one who told her about it too :3 there's so much to do! Hehe

Ahm.... School tomorrow! So I should be going to bed now. Oyasuminasai minna!

