Sobrevolar el Mar!

*translation: to fly over the sea

Hey y'all! Haven't posted here in a while. Just wanted to update and say some things! It's 8:13am here in my Southern US state, and we are getting ready to leave at 10:00 for the airport! I actually lied, we are not flying over the sea, we are just flying to Pheonix, Arizona because we are spending our Mardi Gras vacation in the Grand Canyon! I'm really excited!

I put it in Spanish because I'm taking Spanish II this year, and we just covered the unit on airplane travel. I'm going to take pictures of things and put captions and labels underneath in Spanish and give it to my Profesora Baldridge as a present! :3

This whole week, I have off of school, so I think I'll have time to post for Nyarth in PGR. Yeii!

I'll cut this short. Eneko out!
