Ok ok, one more PGR post XD

Sorry!! It's just so funny! XD


The sun had set by the time we reached the hospital. When we arrived we headed back to the room, not without seeing Cedric’s mom who told us Cedric was asleep and we could see him in the morning. At least that would be a good going away gift for him. Once in the room, I closed the shades and the door. I’ll admit this was a long day but it surely was eventful. I couldn’t complain.

But what was going to happen now was even something I wasn’t expecting. Shupple was taking off her clothes in front of me.

“ACK! Shu…Shu…Shupple, what are you doing?” I asked as my face turned red as my cheeks twitched.

“I am getting into a night robe because the nurse told me she could wash our clothes.” She said but WHY is she doing this in front of me. “Are you embarrassed Lux?”

“Ye…yeah! HELL YES! I mean really I don’t need Arc thinking that we are getting you know like this, and Hoom…OH MY LUGIA!!!” I frantically began pace then ran into the bathroom slamming the door. Shortly after I came out in my own scrubs as Shupple was already changed into a nightgown.

The nurse had arrived so we gave her our clothes. As I turned to go to my bed, Shupple already made herself comfortable in it. Why am I turning so red?

“You coming?” Shupple asked.

Wrong choice of words Shupple. “I could in a few minutes..” I joked. She threw the pillow at me from that perverted comment. I caught it and smiled nervously again, “You really don’t mean I join you in bed right?”

“Of course I mean it blue kitty.” She smiled like the ghost she was. Was she seducing me? I think she is seducing me. Her gown fell off her shoulder. AH GOD SHE IS SEDUCING ME!!! Dx

I twirled my fingers in a circle a bit uncomfortable. “Umm Shupple, I didn’t bring anything for this and I am a bit unprepared. I don’t have protection or anything but-“

“IDIOT!” She used a shadow ball on me as I hit the wall a bit shell shocked. She too was now blushing, “That’s not what I was talking about, I just wanted to sleep with you because of Shift and well….I feel safe around you….nothing more…”

“OH!?” Head drop…dang and here I thought I was being seduced. THANK GOD! I mean Shupple is sexy but I don’t see her that way like I do with Hoomy…I would have already taken everything off and umm cough cough.

Her eyes glanced me up and down as she lifted an eyebrow. “Why are you so nervous? I thought you have slept with a woman before?”

I nearly fell over, not that I really wanted to admit that but it was true. I haven’t slept with a woman before. “Umm well you see, I respect my ladies enough that I have never done that before.”

“I see.” I think she got the drift but she still patted the bed.

I slowly came to her like a Slowpoke not sure of his territory. But with little hesitation, I sat down next to her. Could she tell I was shaking, maybe? I was trying to contain this fear. This was entirely new to me, and she was totally cool with this. Nevertheless, Shupple eased me down as she wrapped her arm around me and used a shadow sneak to turn the light off. Pulling up the covers I wrapped my arm around her and felt her cuddle into my chest. For some odd reason, I liked it and I am not sure why but I was honored she felt so safe around me. It was very humbling and so sweet.

“Thanks again for such a wonderful day Lux. You are the most amazing best friend a girl could ask for.” Shupple said as she cuddled more into me.

“You’re welcome Shupple, however, I am lucky to have you as my best friend too. You are just so beautiful and unique.” I told her yawning. “Good night Shupple.”

“Good night Lux.” She responded.

The amazing day came to an end as we both fell asleep peacefully into the other’s arms.


Eneko out!
