
So Tuesday night Becca and I stayed up till 3:30 moving stuff into the apartment and going to Walmart to get stuff we needed and etc. We did the same thing last night. I got to bed at 3:20 and worse, had to get up at 6:30 so I could make it to this school to help with watching 2-year olds at 7:30. Yesterday I didn't have time to eat breakfast OR lunch, and today I skipped breakfast... THIS APARTMENT IS KILLING MEEEEEEE

Though last night I had Japanese food for supper, yummy! Shrimp fried rice and edamame and clear soup <333333

But it's sooo much fun! I have my own little house to take care of now! I've been washing clothes and running the dishwasher and figuring where the pots and cups and plates will go in the cabinets~ Our bathroom has cute froggy-themed things! >W<

My school schedule is really good; every day I get off my last class at 5:30 and the earliest I have to get to class is 8:30. Becca's boyfriend is staying in a 3-bedroom apartment too, with his friends, and he told us he might be able to get his (rich) friends to buy food for ALL of us if Becca and I agree to cook it all. Hey, I'm FINE with cooking in bulk/cooking a lot, if it means I get to save money on food? DUH I'm in!!

Yeah, Tuesday night Mom finally got mad enough to kick me out. :p She was furious over nothing. My sister and Becca heard the whole thing (mom yelling at me) and they know. She's gone crazy. They're on my side. So I haven't texted her at all yesterday and today hehe >:3

Eneko out!
