So much fail contained in such a small person

So walking back from my chemistry class, I decided to take my laptop out while I was walking (to show my friend Becca a picture I had been working on) and I dropped Toshi from like a foot or two off the ground. His corner hit, he has no drop crack, just a couple of scrapes, but he was fine. He turns on, so his battery is fine. But I'm taken immediately to the black boot-up screen with white letters and it says

Intel UNDI, PXE-2.0 (build 083)
Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Intel corporation

For Atheros PCIE Ethernet controller v2.0.2.3(05/18/10)

Check cable connection!
PXE-MOF: Exiting Intel PXE ROM.
No bootable device -- insert boot disk and press any key

Oh great, now what?! My friend Garret (he's good with computers too) says he has to look at it, but I might need to get a new hard drive. Then I asked Ben and he says he might be able to see about it; but I might still be under the warranty. Does that mean I can get it replaced? :DDD But I can't find my receipt...... O.O

*shrugs* Idk what's gonna happen now... but at least I still have good ol' Lappi to use!!! I'm SOOOO glad I didn't get rid of my old computer. *sniff* I'm sorry for abandoning you for Toshi, Lappi... please take me back ;3;

In other news, tonight is my highschool's homecoming football game! Alumni are allowed to play in the band so 3 band friends and I are going to dress in our Pep Band uniforms that we still have and infiltrate the band without telling Doc! He'll never notice!!! >:3

I'm seeing about the warranty and stuff on Toshi, I'll letcha know what I find...


So I called customer support and gave them the product key on the underside of the laptop, and they got all my information from that and I didn't even need a receipt or anything :DDD And he said, my warranty expires next year! And I explained my dropping it to him, and he said the warranty covers free fixing of alllll internal problems except the display! SO I CAN GET IT FIXED FOR FREEEEEE *dances* they're sending me a box in the mail in 3-5 days so I can put my laptop in it and send it to them, and they'll fix it and send it back <333

I love customer support sometimes :3

Eneko out.
