I finally got promoted to Otaku Eternal! I mean, technically nothing's really changed. I was able to change my title with my Premium membership but still, I'm happy to have moved up in rank. Huge congrats to all who got promoted as well!! Great job everyone!! :33

I was suuuuperrrr bored today because chemistry got canceled, and so biology was my only class and I was off at 9:30am, so after lunch I sat down and watched all 13 episodes of Baka and Test! The art style is really cute, and the characters are hilarious! I actually laughed out loud a lot XD;; I find Himeji's and Aki's sister's boob sizes to be irritating and irrational... =___=; I think I'd have to go with Hideyoshi and Kota as my favorite characters from this anime. X3

Oh wow! Just saw that the VA for Hideyoshi is the same as the VA for Ciel from Black Butler!
And I KNEEWWWWWW I heard Kota's voice somewhere.... it's Kaoru from Ouran!! Haha, I love when you start identifying VAs because it means you're starting to get deeper into the anime world :3

I had some Japanese shrimp-fried rice for lunch, and I just had beef ramen (the Maruchan kind, the fake ramen) for supper... I'm feeling in a Japanese mood today X3 I even sat on the ground and used chopsticks, and said Itadakimasu~ before I started! hehe >w>

I think I'll eat a couple of bites from a leftover double-chocolate cake I got from Olive Garden (ate with my friend's family) and then go to bed early. Yep. That's right. 8:30 early. That sounds amazing. *yawn*

This is the third time I'm typing this up... Lappi keeps freezing. She has a major problem. Good news though, the box from Toshiba came in and all I need to do is ship little Toshi off to the laptop hospital and he'll come back in a bit all refreshed! :33

Eneko out!
