First day back, and I already missed my first class. XD

Yesterday marked the end of our 5-week break from college at LSU. But since yesterday was a holiday and we started school today, I thought today was Monday... in that case, my first class was computer with C++ at 11:30. But on the way there I remembered that it was Tuesday. *facepalm* So I missed my Philosophy class at 9. FAIL

This semester I'm taking really easy courses to get my GPA back up, so I can get TOPS back. So I'm taking geography, philosophy, intro to art, computing with C++, a class called EDCI (forgot what that was) and I'm redoing my trigonometry class from last semester. Which I have all the notes for already, so it's not like I have to try that hard this time OR attend class. XDDD All are 3 hours each, so I'm taking a whopping 18 hours this semester as opposed to 13 last semester.

Ever since around January 5th, Naquin and I've been having a sinus infection. It sucks. Which made the weekend of the BCS game even worse; I was sick and LSU lost. Then the Tuesday after, I started getting over the sinus infection, but then I hung out with Naquin and I got HIS sinus infection, obviously it was slightly different than the one I had. So now I feel worse, and my left ear is infected. Sore throat from breathing through my mouth when my nose is completely stopped up. Huge sinus pressure and itchy eyes. Ughhhh. I feel terrible. And for the first week of school, too!

On top of that, for the past 6 nights I haven't been able to fall asleep. So I'm just laying there suffering my infection all night without the comfort of sleep. It sucks. Yesterday I got more Nyquil though, so last night I was able to sleep a LOT. I have never been so glad to get a full night's sleep. Ever.

In PGR news, yeah I know I gotta work on Nyarth's post, and I will, I also gotta catch up on the posts I missed these past couple of days. I haven't checked TheO in like 4 days.

Speaking of that! I went 4 straight days without playing Skyrim. I KNOW! Impressive, huh?! Well I wasn't gonna go 5 days, so I woke up this morning at 8 and played some. I'm about to go back to playing, but I don't have much heart in it because I feel so miserable. I'm level 35 now!! I rely solely on magic, destruction mostly. Some shouts. I use the Fire Breath, where you shout "Yorn" and you breathe fire XD I love this game <3

Hm... what else... That might be it for now. I feel miserable and still tired. I'mma go back to bed until my geography class at 1:30...

Eneko out.
