
I've been getting better at drawing with SAI, that's the good news, but I still haven't tried shading yet XD;; I don't really feel like getting into that complicated stuff now. Maybe later. :p

I've been wanting to design a Blastoise gijinka, kinda big-bellied and nice etc. First time trying to draw a fat, older man, and I totally failed... looks like he's a little kid who's either pregnant or fat in an odd way...

That was without a reference, btw. I'mma look for refs now... *headwalls*

Also been talking to about 3 of my friends who want to join PGR, one of them was going to join with a klutzy Charmander named Kogasu (though he made a lot of my other friends and me slightly frustrated with him lately because he's been lying about everything from who made the roommate's bed to him being a championship wrestler); my best friend Becca has been wanting to join with an Ampharos named Amphy (she's had the profile and picture ready for about a year and a half now but never got around to joining :p); and I'm in the process of helping my friend make his female Aggron gijinka. I wonder if we'll ever get around to adding them into the club...?

Still needa draw a lotta stuff... I should make a to-do list and keep it updated so I know what I needa do. Need to work on Nyarth's post too.

School's going a lot better this semester! Well, except for trig (which I opted to retake because I felt bad about failing it last semester)- I accidentally missed the first test XD I forgot that I scheduled it for Tuesday >w>;
But! I made sure to take one extra class this sem so that I could afford to drop a class if need be. And I probably will. XD

Today marks my 17th STRAIGHT DAY without even TOUCHING Skyrim. Who's proud of me?! I really had to get over that obsession... though the lady sent the Skyrim emblem necklaces in the mail yesterday so I'm pumped to get them!!!

Eneko out!
