Crewe of Rex!

So yesterday I (with the LSU Tiger Band) marched in New Orleans' Crewe of Rex parade in the French Quarter!! It was really fun! But it was 8 miles long, I heard. It was also terrible. The managers didn't even plan to give us water at ALL during it. We were lucky that in our frequent stops along the parade route, some of the crowd were generous to give us ice-cold bottles of water to pass around our sections.

After that, the rest of my friends were there so I chose to find them instead of riding back to Baton Rouge with the rest of the band. We then explored Bourbon street and got the... privilege of seeing many girls'... assets XD Apparently beads can be used as a currency to get girls to show their boobs FFFFFF
If you were wondering, I didn't want beads THAT much. :p

Lately I've been getting addicted to Fallout 3! Naquin's fault, I promise. He got me to try it and it's so much like Skyrim that of course I'd get obsessed with it. XD I'm a female this time (on Skyrim I was a male); I killed Megaton's sheriff and took his cowboy hat; then I blew up Megaton with the atom bomb, and got a free penthouse suite in Tenpenny tower for it; and I'm now called the Reaver by Three Dog and many others XDD I kill everything. My karma's completely bad. Ffffff

Eneko out!
