Craziness! @.@

So much to tell!!! Aaah! Drama and drunkenness and death and addiction! So let's get right to it.

First, a couple of Sundays ago we all got an email from our high school principal saying that my all-time second favorite teacher, my senior physics teacher Mr. Bryant, died the night before. *shakes head sadly* My friend called me right after and as soon as I picked up we both started crying so hard. Mr. Bryant was an amazing teacher, only 36 years old, single but with two cats that he loved. (he named them Nero and Mia lol) He was really weird, but a good weird. He loved llamas and badgers, it seemed like he was a kid our age stuck in an adult's body. XD He was sooo funny, and I saved a page of quotes from him in senior year.

Later that week we got news that the funeral was on Friday nearby, so when Friday came around we all went. There were so many St. Michael's students there at the funeral. I got asked at least 10 times to share the pages of funny quotes that Mr. Bryant said, and when it was time for anyone to go up and say stuff, I got Naquin and our friend Brock to go up with my quotes and read them. I couldn't; I have terrible stage fright. Everyone loved the quotes though!!!

An adult also got up and read a couple of Facebook wall posts about Mr. Bryant, and one of them was Naquin's that he wrote. When they read it, Naquin started crying ;w; It was so sad and sweet at the same time...

So you know how I kicked my Skyrim addiction for a Fallout 3 addiction? XD Well a couple more guys at the dorm (yeah I hang out there basically 24/7 and actually sleep over a lot too X3) got into it too, so I have to fight over Fallout with about 3 other guys!! It's just so much fun. Can't put it down! I'm level 13 now, and my karma is totally evil. It's fun. XD

After typing this I'm gonna go to the student union and deposit some money into my bank account, and then go on Steam and download the PC version of Fallout 3 XD
So that when I have to give up the Xbox to the guys, I can just go on my laptop and play it! :D Though I will still have to start all over from the beginning... I think I'll be nice this time though, and NOT blow up Megaton with their own atom bomb. Ffffff

OMG!!! So this weekend, mainly Saturday night and Sunday morning is what I mostly have to talk to you about. So we had another dorm party Saturday night, and my two friends that are still in high school (my fellow clarinets in my high school's marching band) also came. For the past couple of days, Naquin's been coughing a lot and we all assumed he was getting a cough from one of our friends.

During the day Saturday, he acquired a fever and felt really cold all of a sudden, and he told me he wouldn't drink at the party if his fever didn't get better. It did, though, for a while, so he commenced drinking his favorite combination of Barq's creme soda and Skyy vodka (can't even taste the vodka in it) when everyone else started drinking too. Of course I never drink, I want to watch over all my friends and make sure they're safe. Alcoholism runs in my family and it destroyed my parents' marriage so I'm staying away from that stuff :p

Apparently eating Cane's when you're drunk tastes REALLY good, or so everyone says, so I started herding all the drunkards like sheep down the road on campus to the Raising Cane's. The time now is actually only around 10:00pm, very early for everyone to be drunk. O.e On the way back, Naquin starts stumbling a lot, and keeps saying he wants to lay down on the parade grounds (that's a huge grass field on LSU campus where sports are played and stuff.) so we made our way there. Then he proceeded to lay down on the grass and conk out. He was totally. passed. out. He didn't even drink that much alcohol. He's had way more and hasn't passed out. (In retrospect, this was because of his weakness from the fever that was already back.)

We decided we should get him to bed, so we had a guy we call Sparky and our other friend Seth to help carry his 200ish-pound butt back to the dorm. He is HEAVY. XDD Interrupting my story for a bit, he has a little belly now, kinda looks like a beer gut though he doesn't drink beer (says it tastes like pee). I find his belly really endearing and cute X3 I love rubbing it!! :3

So we got to the dorm room again and dumped him on the bed. Halfway through the carrying home, he woke up and so when we dumped him on the bed he was murmuring stuff and then (this always happens when he gets drunk) he asked for the glass case-thingy with the picture of his dead dad and flowers in it, and proceeded to cuddle with it, crying that he misses his dad and Mr. Bryant. ;A; It almost made me cry too!! Mr. Bryant was the teacher that ultimately inspired Naquin to become a teacher.

Then the party started ending and people went to bed or to their respective rooms, and I sat on the bed next to Naquin, watching over him ready with a trashcan just in case he started throwing up, but he fell asleep and soon I did too. Then at 2am-ish, he woke me up, panic-ally saying that he couldn't breathe and his chest and arms hurt. He said it felt like something heavy was pressing down on the center of his chest and he had to fight to breathe. He had a RAGING fever but he was freezing, and cocooned in blankets shivering. His cough had gotten worse too. I started thinking about pneumonia. My brother almost died from it when I was in 6th or 7th grade, and Naquin was showing a lot of symptoms that I remembered.

I called a couple of people in the room to see what we should do, and we gave him a couple of Tums and Ibuprofen. One guy Web MD'd the symptoms and it said that if there's any trouble breathing, that we should bring him to a hospital. So we drove him to Our Lady of the Lake at 2:30am, he was admitted and everyone stayed in the waiting room while I went with Naquin. He got an EKG, with all these wires stuck to his chest, arms, and legs. It was really scary ;A; Then he was put in a hospital room, and was hooked up to two saline drips for hydration and an antibiotic drip. Also got swabbed for the flu, and got a chest x-ray. By this time he's sober, by the way. XD

(Here, as soon as I can, I'll put up a picture I took of him getting an EKG.)

We waited for a long long time, and then the drips finally finished at 6:30am. None of us slept. The flu tests came back negative, but the doctors said that he had pneumonia!! I was right!!!! They gave us a prescription for a pill form of the antibiotic drip that he got, and some cough syrup. We finally headed back to the dorm and we all passed out from exhaustion until like 5pm Sunday evening. XDDDD

Just another day in the life of a college kid!! Haha! He's gonna be all right. He's feeling much better. He'll be fine. I'm really glad. :3

I brought over the Tempurpedic mattress pad I had at my apartment and put it on Naquin's bed, and it's soooo soft!!! I wanna lay in that bed all day!! I also mopped the floor in the dorm, it's been needing that. It's a lot cleaner now :D

So I found out that my Skyrim necklaces got shipped, but they came when I wasn't at my apartment to get them! So I rescheduled the delivery for tomorrow. Can't wait :DDDD

Eneko out!!
