
I seem to have gone on unannounced hiatus again! Sorry guys. Back, at least for the time being. I can't really say the whole "Herpaderp, college is making me so busy" because I haven't really been to classes much this semester fffff
Mostly it's me hanging with my friends and boyfriend so much and I've gotten back into Skyrimmmmm >w>

Yesterday I read all the posts I missed in PGR. I now have an urge to draw something, and also to post. I also remember that I was thinking about advancing Nyarth's age a year, so that he would basically be turning 15 instead of 14 on June 8th this year. I feel so left out of everything that PGR has to offer because Nyarth is just so young and naive!! I really dunno what to do! I guess I could age him, or I could just start... exposing him to more things (hence scarring him for life, no doubt, the poor thing >.>) but I'm worried that as soon as I age Nyarth (be it physically or mentally), I'll miss how he used to be, his young self.

Afton says that I should actually make him YOUNGER. I think that's because I basically make him act younger than his age is, and for some things she's planning on having Lux and Nyarth do together, it would be just strange and awkward for a 23 year old and a 14 year old to do together. XD But if I make him younger, then I will have to wait even longer for Nyarth to grow up! And he will always be so far behind everyone else in the club.

Unless I keep being in the club, and we gradually lose members and get new ones, but Nyarth keeps aging. When people join in the club, they always tend to make their characters in the 16-20 age range. Eventually, Nyarth will be the common age. I guess that will be okay. *shrugs*

Yesterday, my artistic idol (Kiro-sama) and another artist I look up to (Fun-sama) both announced they were going to draw sketches for the first 10 people who commented on their post. I got into BOTH lists and I'm SUPER excited for Kiro to draw Nyarth and for Fun to draw Tabs <3 I kinda feel greedy by trying to get onto both lists, but HEY OH WELL >w< So I'm excited for that <3

Eneko out!
