Again, Toshi??..... -sigh-

Well bad news. Toshi (my laptop that is prone to sickness, I'm pretty sure he has AIDS or something) is sick YET AGAIN. This time I didn't even do anything! I never took him out of the laptop case this weekend, and I go to check my TheO updates today, and his screen is all effed up and white and gray striped. The screen is broken......

So I have to send him back again to the Toshiba people. Looks like I'll be stuck to using my iPad until he comes back *facepalm*

Eneko out.

EDIT:// I just started him up again and the screen worked enough for me to run the "restore to a previous time" thing that Windows does. Sometimes my screen gets grainy and freezes, but if I grab the screen and shake it or squeeze it a bit it comes back on. I don't know how long this will last, but hopefully my computer won't break for good until the schoolyear's up... I won't have time to take it to the shop and have it back fast enough, and all my stuff's on this computer....
