Lack of title

Random things that have been going through my mind... :U

There are three weeks left of this semester. I'm still not trying to do my best in school. These three weeks I'm going to go to all my classes. XD Good luck with that...

I found out that two of the friends at the dorm, Marcos and Nick, love Adventure Time and Regular Show as much as I do! Marcos has all the episodes of EACH downloaded on his laptop. He's gonna help me get them on mine so I can watch all of them :DDD

A couple of nights ago I had my first Skyrim dream! It was so cool XDDD I haven't even been playing it much lately. Since my Khajiit Kaasha got to level 31 or 32, it's gotten boring... I still have yet to finish either of the main storylines. Neither Ra'jirr or Kaasha have ended the war or defeated Alduin. *facepalm*

But my dream! I was Kaasha, and it was in first person. My dreams are usually set in the third-person perspective, even if I'm the main character in the dream. *shrugs* Anyway, I was doing a small chore for a man and his kid who lived in a house in the woods near Riften, and then I met a silver-haired Breton alchemist. Even though Kaasha doesn't make potions at all (that's more Ra'jirr's thing) I pestered the alchemist to train me in the art of making potions, to which he declined.

Then I climbed a small hill to find a medium sized pond with some fishing docks, and there was a fellow Khajiit standing in the water catching salmon with his bare paws. I talked to him a bit and then we introduced ourselves, he said his name was Weasel. (that's a weird name for a Khajiit; he must have been raised by other species or something) Somehow I fell into the water and had to carefully dive off a waterfall so that I wouldn't hit the shallow water at the base of the waterfall and die... and when I surfaced, spluttering, Weasel was waiting for me at the bottom of the cliff with my circlet that fell off my head XD

Strange, but it was very legit. Nothing happened that wouldn't happen in Skyrim. It was strangely detailed! I loved it! It actually inspired to write a small fanfic version of the dream and to Google ways to make my playthrough of Skyrim more integrated and feel more like a roleplay and story rather than just completing another game. :D

I can't remember anything else that I wanted to say, so ...

Eneko out!
