CURSE IT ALLLLLL *throws worthless laptop*



You know how Toshi was having screen problems out of the blue. Well NOW, I know this is partially my fault this time but I accidentally spilled some of the sweet tea I had been drinking onto his keyboard....

And now the X, V, B, M, and Capslock buttons will not respond. Also the L button is glitching up and acting like I'm holding it down. I can no longer type. I doubt I'll be able to draw either, much less play Skyrim or Oblivion. FML. Eff my laptop.

My warranty's already up so I can't get him fixed for free anymore. I'm giving up on him. I'm buying a new laptop. Idk when, but it better be soon. I have to do important things for school on the computer.

So annoyed.

Eneko out
