Meet Ren!

I got a replacement for Toshi! Meet Ren, he's my Lenovo G570 :3

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One of my friends says he's better than Toshi by a LONG shot, so that's great! He has the same amount of memory (4GB), and only a little less hard drive space (Toshi was 450GB and Ren's is like 340GB, but I don't even need that much space)
He also has FOUR USB PORTS!!! In comparison with other laptops I've seen, they usually only have two or three. I always have my tablet plugged into one USB, and another is usually taken by the Xbox wireless adapter (so I can use the controller on my computer to play Skyrim XD) or my flash drive. I'm glad I get four USB ports to use now :D

I also bought a new flash drive; the other one I had could only hold 148MB. That's very small. So my new flash drive holds a whopping 8GB! Lemme put something in perspective if you don't understand how much that is. You know how HUGE Skyrim is? The file and game is massive. Skyrim is 5.14GB large. The USB drive can hold the FULL Skyrim game AND MORE. That's frikkin huge for something that's only about two inches long. And it was on sale for $10 :D

Trying to find a good but FREE antivirus program to download on it, one friend told me Avira's good and the other says MalwareBytes Anti Malware is good. What do y'all think?

Now time to transfer all the files from Toshi onto Ren... *heavy sigh*

Anyway! Ren's outfit is all black, and he's a guy, and even though I just got him I feel like he's like a 26 year old gentleman who's reserved but wise and reliable. Can't wait to draw him as a human OwO I'll draw Lappi, Toshi, and Ren all together <3

Eneko out!
