The Legend of Korra?

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So I heard the new story of the Avatar has been aired! I am a HUUUUUGE fan of the Last Airbender series and loved every minute of it. I just checked out the first two episodes of The Legend of Korra, the new story, and it's actually pretty legit. I'm impressed!

Of course it's so saddening and makes me nostalgic whenever they mention that Aang, Sokka, Toph, and everyone else is dead already though. (It's set 70 years after the end of the last season but Katara is still alive, though a bit old :p) Aang and Katara have birthed a new airbender, who is now an old man with three airbender children and one airbender on the way. I'm really glad the airbender 'race' (not really a race, but you know) is able to continue :D

I like the way the creators are approaching this new story; they're making sure not to follow the same adventures Aang and the rest of them took. They're centering the episodes on Republic City and the avatar has already mastered the three elements that we watched Aang learn. Korra hasn't learned airbending yet, so I'm happy that we get to see that since we never got to see Aang learn that last season. *nods*

I also like Korra's personality! It's very refreshing, and it's going to be really interesting to see her get over her impatience and hotheaded-ness to master airbending and get in touch with her spirituality :3 I also see a HUGE resemblance (character-wise and LOOKS especially) to Sokka. I'm not sure if Korra is in any way related to Sokka or Katara, but she no doubt looks SO CLOSE to Sokka. It's awesome that I get to see a bit of Sokka carried over into the new season. I really loved him in the Last Airbender.

Not to mention, the new firebender Mako (I believe that's his name?) reminds me a bit of Zuko, and I am in love with Zuko <3 Many people have said they don't appreciate Mako's resemblance to Zuko but I'm happy we have characters in the new season that give slight hints and memories to the old characters who have passed :3 I'm really liking Mako so far!!



Idk if anyone else has thought this but he slightly reminds me of Aang, in a way. The childish antics. And he's bald. :p *shrugs*

All in all, I can't wait to see where this series goes! I'm gonna go watch episode 3 now :3

Eneko out!
