Things are both looking better and worse

Well. In the me-finding-a-job aspect, I had a biter! Office Depot already gave me an interview and they seem interested. So I might be working there this summer. I'm also going to give up on finding a stockroom-only job and just settle for being a cashier. In which case I'm gonna find a Dollar General or Dollar Tree or Hobby Lobby or something to work at. Office Depot started saying they might have me work on the sales floor, you know, actually talking to people and selling products. I'm no good at explaining things OR persuading people to do stuff. I'm horrible at talking in general. I stutter and tend to rant... the simple job of cashier "Hi!" "That'll be 10 dollars." "Have a good day!" is looking more and more inviting... at least I won't have to talk a LOT to people. And I'm sure I won't have trouble with the cash register... though I tend to get anxious and count out money wrong if I know people are waiting on me and looking at me... ugh.

On the other side, I tried scheduling for this (fall) semester, my sophomore year at LSU, and it said I had to see a counselor to schedule. So I drove over to school and the guy said that I have to choose a major. Well, I can't DO that because I want to be in the college of art and design, but to do that I have to submit a portfolio for them to look at. But before I do that, I have to have a 2.0 GPA for them to even THINK about looking at my portfolio. Since last year I played around all semester and had fun, my GPA's not looking so good right now. And there's no art classes I can take without my major being graphic design/etc. I need art classes to build my portfolio to get in, but I need to be IN before I can take any art classes! AGH!!! IT'S RETARDED MAN!!! I am getting nowhere fast!!!

It's so hopeless. It's really competitive to even try to get in the art major. What if I don't make it in? What else am I going to do? I can't have an 'undecided' major. LSU is gonna make me choose something. But if it's not art, what?! I already looked; I don't WANT to do anything else! No other jobs are even remotely interesting!! IT IS HOPELESS. Even if I finish college, the economy's so bad I might not even get a job. I seriously don't know why I try.

*lots of deep breaths* mom says this year is the year I have to start building my portfolio and taking whatever little courses I can and get A's in them to bring my GPA up. I have a whole year to do it, and she is insisting I stay home so she can help me. I really wanna live in a dorm though. If I stay here I will hardly get to see Michael. My mom's basically a Nazi. She won't let me go anywhere once school starts. Ugh.

Idk guys. I have no more to say. *waves arms exasperatedly*

Oh, btw, the Bayou Country Superfest was amazing like always. I'm not sure which year was better, this one or last year.

Eneko out.
