First day at work! And other updates!

Well, I got through my first day at my new job at JoAnn's!!! I was in training yesterday for 4 hours and today I worked 6 1/2 hours. I did cash register first, then the rest of the time I helped customers find items and I put the bolts of fabric back onto the shelves where they were supposed to go. I enjoy organizing like that :>

I'm making $7.50 per hour there; it's not much, but it's 10 cents better than Taco Bell's $7.40 per hour I was making. :D

I've finished season 3 of the Big Bang Theory! It's so great! I have to say that my favorite character is Howard. XDD
Also waiting on season two of Legend of Korra!!! I'm so excite!!!

I recently found out that you can mail a picture to a celebrity and they can autograph it for you and send it right back. So my new life goal is to send mail to Thomas William Hiddleston <333 That man is the most gorgeous ever, inside and out. Please have my babies, you flawless human being. *sobbing*

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Haven't seen Naquin in a while; our schedules aren't really coinciding lately but that's okay! He'll be in an apartment with some more of our previously-dorm friends and he'll have his own room! and you know what that means > v>

I still haven't seen the new Spiderman movie, OR the new Batman movie, but as soon as Naquin and I have money, we're going to go see them!! I just hope they're still in theaters!

What else... haven't drawn much recently; I've even been too busy for Tumblr, much less the all-day-eery-day Tahorra party that me and my friends have... I miss them but I have other things I gotta do... *sobs*

Oh! I updated a little bit of information in my bio in my introduction up there, if you wanna scroll up and read. I'll wait.



Okay! Welcome back! c:

...Actually I don't think I had any more to say. I'll letcha know if I think of anything else :3

Eneko out!
