Apartments, shows, food, and other exciting things!

Things are definitely looking up since earlier this summer! As I said earlier, I have been working my job at JoAnn Fabric and Crafts, and my first paycheck comes tomorrow~! I won't be broke anymore! I calculated it out and I think I'll get around $175. Though most of that will go toward paying my car insurance note that will arrive in September... :<

Since I lost TOPS (which pays for tuition at LSU), I had to find some way to pay for this semester. Yesterday, after a week of nagging, I was able to get my dad to get a loan from his bank! He'll be the one paying off the loan to the bank, but I'll be paying dad back $50 each paycheck I get. The loan was for only $2500 though, and tuition was $3600 this semester, so I still have some money owed to LSU.... but at least we bought me some time! We're using the deferred payment method so I only had to pay half the tuition now, and later this semester I'll be
paying the rest of it.

Speaking of not having enough money, I was worried that I wasn't gonna be able to juggle having classes, working, AND Tiger Band... so I opted not to join the band this year. I know, it's sad. I had so much fun with it last year!! I'm hoping to rejoin next time, along with my bestie, Becca, and more of my friends. But this semester I REALLY have to focus on making good grades so I can bump my GPA back up. I want to have a 2.0 consecutive GPA (that's this semester and the last two semesters averaged together) by the end of this semester. So that means I gotta make at the very least, a 3.6. Which means all A's and only one B.

If I get my GPA back up to a 2.0 though, that means I get TOPS back! And then I won't have to worry about paying for college anymore, because TOPS will cover it :3 I'm excited!!

I'm taking 5 classes; mass communications, the second biology for science majors (I had no choice in that), a very easy math, elementary Italian, and art history. I should be fine except for biology, it's never been my strong point... :1

I'm not the one who's moving into an apartment this year... but nearly all my friends are!! This past Sunday I helped one of my Tumblr friends, Sam (Fire-ferrets-number-one-fan is her Tumblr) move into her West campus apartment, and last night I was over for supper and she cooked delicious green beans and pork chops!!!

Tuesday I helped Becca move into her apartment too, she's borrowing some of my dad's extra furniture. She just moved out despite her parents' wishes so I hope this semester isn't too stressful for her OwO

And tomorrow at 10am I'm meeting Naquin to help HIM move into his apartment near campus!! He's rooming with a couple more of our buddies from the Evangeline dorm from last year. I'm so excited for him, but we made a pact together to make sure that each of us gets to our classes and studies this year. He made the same bad grades that I did, so I know very well how much he's gotta get his butt into gear so that he can get TOPS back as well.

Agh! My PGR Fanservice contest ended and I really gotta pick winners!!! BUT I CAN'T DECIDE AGHHHHHHLSFJLSDKJFDKSJF



I loved Bane!! He was such a great bad guy!! I adored his accent and omg he's so big and muscly <3
I totally didn't understand at the end that they fixed the autopilot though so I was bawling my eyes out, and after the movie Naquin had to explain to me that Bruce was still alive XD
You gotta admit though, when Alfred starts to cry and says "I've failed you Master Wayne!" It is SO HEART-WRENCHING.
The only movies I've seen Anne Hathaway in were the Princess diaries, so seeing her play Catwoman was a huge difference! It was hard to get used to at first but after a while I'm like SHE IS GREAT. I LOVE THIS.


Dad got our xBox fixed!!! Now I can finally play Skyrim again with my lovely baby Ra'jirr <333 The pc version is great, but I love the console version better because the graphics are prettier and there's no lag. The only downside is the loading screens tend to take like 3 minutes each and if there's a bug in a quest you can't fix it. :<

I'm up to the 5th season of the Big Bang Theory!! I heard the 6th season just started too! I totally ship Howard and Raj. So hard. Omg. XD

Also I remember mentioning Legend of Korra way earlier and saying I shipped Makorra and Borra.... yeah that's SO FALSE NOW.
I hate Mako. I really don't like him. I am anti-Makorra.
I just hate how Makorra happened. Poor Asami. She's such a bamf.
Tahorra <3
Borra <3 (Bolin is my bby 5evers)

And on the side I ship
Amorrlok XD

That might be it!!!

Eneko out!
