Busy Once Again!

Ugh. I have had absolutely NO time to get on Tumblr anymore (though I've gotten about 4 new followers while not blogging ANYTHING on there) and hardly any time to draw any more or post in PGR. College's been so busy, guys. I have a Word document with an outline of what I want to post, but I haven't gotten any time to actually write it out yet!! And I still wanna finish that picture of Nyarth sitting at a desk! And I've had absolutely no time for anything except school, studying, and sleeping. @__@

The kinda good news is, Thursday I started my second job at CVS! I worked 4-10 right after school, and man. I'm used to 6 hour shifts. But at JoAnn's, I walk around a bit more, where at CVS I'm ONLY standing in ONE SPOT behind the cash register for 6 hours straight. Even though I'm still standing for the same amount of time, it's harder on your feet and back if you stand still as opposed to walking around. My feet and back hurt SOOO much. =__=

I work again today, and tomorrow, and then next Thursday and Friday, all for 6 or 7 hours each, so they're really laying it on me. I still haven't had any time to study for my Mass Communication test on Wednesday. And I hardly know what we even went over in class. This is NOT good. This grade won't be great at all...

But what can I do?? NOT work? I need money!! But seriously, things have the WORST timing. When I get home at 10:30 every night I am so tired I all but pass out in my bed. There's no time for studying. I suppose I can do the studying before I go to work today at 3, but that's still not much.

Also the rest of tuition for this semester is due in a few days, and I have no idea how I'm going to pay for that. And I still have to pay insurance for my car. Agh. I need time to just stand still for a second so I can breathe...

To Afton, I'll write my post whenever I can. Idk when that'll be though. But I'm trying.

As always, I love finding the good stuff going on in my life! So that'd still be my relationship. It's great and Naquin's wonderful. He's gonna take me out to eat for my birthday coming up, October 22. But that's pretty much it for the silver lining. :b

Eneko out!
