Lack of a title!

So yesterday I finally got time to talk to my dad about what we're going to do about money stuff, and about my phone. My blackberry's been whacking out on me lately, and the contract's almost up too. It's time for me to upgrade, and dad says I can have an iPhone 4S! *dances* I'm starting to wean myself off of his support, so when he gets me the new phone for my birthday on Monday, I'll be paying $40 out of the $70 a month the service will cost. That's not bad at all, just $20 each paycheck. I'm really excited!!

I also got some ideas for Nyarth's next post, which is way overdue. I'll be working on that today, with any luck. I SHOULD be on fall break right now, but LSU decided to cancel our fall break to make up for the days we missed for Hurricane Isaac. Which sucks. Ugh.

I had another GIF idea that will go with my next post, too! >W< I'm excited to start on it, it'll be cute and hilarious XDD

I really want to just push the plot forward with PGR. I want to have a set outline of what we all need to follow, instead of everyone just doing whatever they want and posting about the time you went downstairs to eat breakfast and talked to some characters. I want some action, you know??

Also I've been following up with the MCC and have thought a little about a possible character I could introduce. He's a wimpy Hognose Snake hybrid, and his name is Isthmus. I've doodled some chibis of him in my notebooks at school, and he's so cute. XD

My classes just for today have been cancelled, so I've been at my bf's apartment, helping him and our two other friends clean up. They can't function without me, seriously. It gets so dirty over here. Tsk, tsk. Speaking of Naquin, in a few days we'll hit our 11 months! It will be my longest relationship to date! (not that I've had many hahaha)

Gotta go take my math test, bye!

Eneko out
