Thank y'all, for one of the best birthdays EVER!! <3

Thanks to everyone soooo much for all the 'happy birthday's I got Monday!! I also got some guestbook signatures and also a lot of gifts to show off in my profile! Thanks so much!!! My 20th birthday was awesome!!

After school I met with my dad at the Verizon store and I GOT AN IPHONE 4S!!! Whoo!!!!! It's great! The screen is so clear and beautiful graphics!! It's so much better than my Blackberry! I got the white version, Naquin has the white 4s and I think it looks really nice. *nods*

After that, I spent the evening with my boyfriend, and we took a trip to the Dollar Tree to buy some pasta Alfredo and some potatoes au gratin! We went back to his apartment and I sat on the sofa watching How I Met Your Mother while he cooked me an amazing supper <3 the potatoes came out DELICIOOUUUSSS. Mmmm.~

Also today I used the $85 I got from my family to buy my birthday presents! I went to the Cartoon Network online shop and bought:
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I've been wanting a Jake shirt!! :D

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Of course, I'll need a new case to cover my new iphone!! And it's Jake!

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COOFFFFFFEEEEEEEE. I have like 2-3 cups daily, so of course I'd get a lotta use out of a Mordecai and Rigby coffee cup!! You can't see in the picture but Rigby is pouring coffee from a pot into Mordecai's coffee cup. X3 This is from the episode "Caffeinated Concert Tickets"

They should arrive sometime in the beginning of next week! I'm so psyched to get them!!!!

All in all this was a great birthday! Can't wait till I'm 21 next year and I can buy alcohol, bwahahahaha =ewe=

Eneko out!!
