What time is it??

Aaaaadventure time!!! I finally got my presents in the mail!! The shirt ended up being too small, so I need to send it back and exchange for a larger one, but the iPhone case and the coffee mug are so great. And now I have Finn as my wallet and Jake as my phone case!!! Check it!!

I just drank coffee out of the Regular Show mug and it was awesome. Haha. XD

This weekend, our (meaning me and all my guy friends I hang with) friend Marcos is in town from Dallas and so we partied for two days straight!!! Man we had a lotta fun. He's leaving Tuesday though ):

As for school, grades are going exceptionally good. A's and B's, whaddup?! I even made a 90% on my biology test Wednesday, aw yiss!!!

To the PGR members: big changes will happen, as soon as Afton, Anime, and I have time to talk about what we want to do. I have some good ideas for changes being made to the way the club is run (including some changes to the existing ground rules), and I believe it will help people be more inspired to post and it will help bring the club back to life! (:

I think I'm going to take the salsa and refried beans sitting in our cabinet untouched for months and make myself a nice Mexican lunch. Maybe enchiladas!!

Eneko out!
