Happy Thanksgiving!

Okay, I know it's tomorrow. But I felt like posting something today. :b Tomorrow my family is coming up to our house instead of us going to Grandmaw's house! We'll be having a huge turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing, and sweet potatoes!!! We make them great, with more brown sugar and pecans than sweet potatoes. XD They taste sooo good. They're like candy. <3

I only have one class today, Biology, and then I'm off for Thanksgiving holidays until Monday! Since I have a few days without school, I'm hoping to get some stuff done. I've had a lot of ideas about drawings I could do, and characters that I could design. I'll tell you what I've been meaning to do!

**I'm gonna draw Haxlia and Nyarth wearing their winter sweaters, all cozy and curled up on a sofa with steaming mugs of coffee/tea/hot chocolate.
**I finally found out what Furret-sama does for a living!!! HE'S A BOUNTY HUNTER!!!! Ahhhh!!! So now I have to design him some kick*ss bounty hunter outfits so he looks the part!! *w*
**I really need to make that reference picture of Isthmus, and upload the little chibis of him that have been hanging around in my Italian notebook since last month.
**And one last thing, I REALLY want to design a character whose nickname is Bo. Or Beau. Not sure which nickname I will pick. I don't know anything else about him, just that his name is Bo/Beau. I already love him. <3

Two weekends ago I got back into Minecraft! I've been playing it nonstop. I'm making a beach house and I made a lighthouse!! But then I decided to make a Nether portal right below the lighthouse. If you stand on the ground floor of the lighthouse you can HEAR THE PORTAL MAKING THE WHISPERING NOISES. It's so creepy. I've created a haunted lighthouse. I'm never going back there again. *shivers*

As I mentioned before, PGR will hopefully be undergoing a change soon, if I get the time to think about what I want to happen. :1

And a small update on my relationship with Michael Naquin? We are great. He's amazing. I think dating my best friend was the best decision I ever made. Tuesday we're making our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!!!! I'm so excited!! He says he has something huge planned, but he won't tell me what it is, so I can't wait till Tuesday. X3

I've been watching How I Met Your Mother, as well!! I'm already on season 7!! Dude. Me and Naquin are exactly like Lily and Marshall. Every little detail is correct. It's like we have our own tv show, with actors playing us. We even have a friend who's like Barney. XD

That maaaaay be it.

Eneko out!
