Update on the Skyrim situation!

Well, I found out that there were three corrupt game saves. So I deleted them. It still doesn't work, though.

But here's the story from the beginning. I wanted the new patch, since some of my quests were glitching up on Ra'jirr's file. So I made ANOTHER profile, and connected it to xbox live. It worked, and I got the patch, but when I tried to play my game, it didn't work somehow with the new patch. So I made a new game on my live profile. That worked well, until suddenly (present day now) Skyrim disc "isn't readable". It's like that on my live profile and my brother's too.

Then I go back and try to play my original Skyrim save that's on the account that's NOT connected to Live, and it works fine. I tried signing that account up for live, and the file still works.

SO, I never really found out what's going on with the gamesaves on the other accounts..... but I'm able to play my original Ra'jirr file with the patch, which is what I wanted all along. So I guess that's good. XD But I'm screwed if it happens to me again, on THIS account. :1

Basically the Skyrim disc wasn't the problem. It must not be too scratched. *shrugs*

I thought of an idea for a Xatu gijinka! I'm thinking of the details today.

Also my car battery is dead, like really dead, and I need a whole new one. Trying to get dad to help with that. And help cosign for a loan for school. The fee bill is due Friday... DX If I'm able to take classes this semester, I get to be in two art classes! Whoo!

Eneko out.
