All right!! One thing left to do!!

So I got my dad to cosign a loan for me and I got it!!! And I was able to pay for classes and complete my registration!!! *victory dances* Classes start on Monday, so I'm excited!! SO ready for this break to be over. It's been pretty boring. :1

Did I tell y'all I got into two art classes?? Whoo! Digital art II (somehow I got into that one without taking digi art I) and also Intro to 3D Design!!! And an English class, and Psych again, and an easy chemistry class. I gotta get some notebooks this weekend. *takes note*

All that's left for me to do is to get a job! I hear my friend's dad could get me in at LSU, a computer-related job. I'll look into that.

Dude. I've been having ideas of making a rp group, and it'd be set in Skyrim. And all the medieval-ness. And dragons. lskdjafldf. I don't know who'd join me though... I am kinda hesitant to make a rp just to see it flop on the ground like a useless Magikarp. :1 I wonder who actually would have fun with this? You wouldn't really need to play Skyrim to be able to roleplay with this. It's basic medieval stuff. Idk, I'll keep working on the idea and possible story arcs.

I just found out my bf Michael might decide to go to work offshore at some company to save up money to pay for college again. (he dropped out last semester because he couldn't pay for it.) But... he says he'd be gone all the time off shore for like 4-6 months at a time, and then come back for just one month, and then go back off shore. ....I'd miss him so much. Omg. I love the fact that he's wanting to work a lot to save money up..... but a huge part of me cannot bear to have him physically far away from me where I can't go see him. I almost want to wish that he DOESN'T get the job. I know that's so selfish of me... but if he gets the job.. I'm going to cry. I'm gonna miss Naquin so much. I'm not looking forward to that. *is getting super distressed*

Eneko out
