School updates and such

I don't think I've updated here in maybe two weeks? Wow! I guess I have a lot to tell y'all about! not that anyone reads these anyway, this is I guess more of a personal diary now lololol I've been so busy so the time musta gotten away from me. :3

The second semester of my sophomore year at college is going great! I'm loving all my classes!
There's an easy chemistry class;
an English persuasive writing class (not my favorite because I hate writing persuasive essays but the class is really easy);
I'm also taking the follow-up class to the Art History class I took last semester (it's art history on later artwork);

I have also been taking an entry-level psychology class, and it's REALLY intriguing! We're learning how the brain works, the senses, just overall how people think and why. Thursday we listened to a sound demo of a cochlear implant... both talking and music. The video shows the implant on different settings and then the actual sounds that we would hear. I love technology! Though this freaked me out, it sounds so eerie!! Listen!!

And last but not least, my last class is a 3d Design class!! It's so much fun! It's in a workshop-studio-thing and we get to do a lot of hands-on stuff. We're constantly working with blowtorches, wire, brazing (it's like welding kinda) and such. And it's a morning class. LOL we get to wake up and play with fire 8D
This project we've been working on lately is 'drawing in space with wire', basically we're all using a ton of bendable wire to make full-size CHAIRS. It's proving to be difficult but really fun too! We get to choose what kinda chair we want to make and everything. We all have a lot of creative liberty in this class :D

I'm coming close to uploading all my recent little doodles! I just have a few more to put up. I'm glad I decided to make a sketch world. :3 It's helped me see how much I've improved over the years! I also have a lot of WIPs that I need to finish, lol. A lot of them I really want to finish.

Soon I'm going to learn how to paint using SAI, and start painting REALISM!! Ooooooh. How intimidating! Ebbiru paints so wonderfully, so I've taken her on as my new teacher haha. She's given me a lot of advice on how to do what she does! She's so good! Y'all should check out her art!! Go!

Well it's February now, and that means Valentine's day is coming! I hope I remember to send all of my TheO friends mushy/sexy love notes on that day ;3 As for my plans, me and my bf are simply sitting on the couch and watching Finding Nemo and The Emperor's New Groove together :D We both love those two movies and can quote most of them together, it's like our little thing XD I'm not getting him anything, he's not getting me anything. I actually don't really like Valentine's day. It's not as big a deal as everyone says it is. :b

Hm... well the wire chair completed is due Wednesday, and I'm still not done, so I'mma head to LSU and work on it some more!

Eneko out!
