Well, I hafta go back to school Monday.... even though I love school I don't want to go back yet.
I'm at my cousins' house until Sunday so I might not get to upload until Monday. If I haven't submitted your chibis yet, please be patient! I will get to them soon enough. Eventually. To Tea-chan, I definitely will do Malay. Don't worry!
I've been playing Wii Fit lately. It's really fun; I set lots of high scores on the aerobic and balance games. I'm really good at the ski jump, the tight rope walk, and the tilt-the-ball thing. My cousins can't beat me no matter how much they try [D
Sadly I have too much on my plate already to compete in the TMM Rebellion Scrapbook Contest. I really wanted to but if the deadline is January 20th I definiely can't finish in time. :(
I had another idea for a picture, so I updated my To-Do List.
This keyboard is hard to push the keys on. It's annoying.
Eneko out!