So Immature!

And no, I'm not talking about my siblings or friends.

It's my parents.

They recently got divorced around November last year, but their relationship has been bad ever since... well, come to think of it, I can't remember.
Anyway, they're still fighting like cats and dogs. I don't want to burden y'all with all the details but they fight over petty things and make big deals out of little things. They're so immature; I wish they could just NOT argue.
It's annoying.

On to nicer terms, I'm still alive! I've just been lurking on TheO and TegakiE. I have buttloads of homework every night and I hardly get to go on the computer. I have a Biology genetic mutation project due Tuesday, English research paper that I'm working on, and the drama play is Friday and Saturday, on top of it all. Me as a Roach (in my drama club we call the stagehands 'Roaches'. Our motto is "When the lights go on, we scatter!") I'm really busy, trying to make sure I know exactly when to make the scene changes and what to move on and off the stage. The actors still don't know their lines... inbetween their scenes they are rehearsing behind the curtain, lolz.

I added like, 10 things to my To Do List... I haven't drawn anything since a few weeks ago. I should really get to it.

American Idol time! So I'm gonna watch it with my sibs now. Byes, guys!

Eneko out!
