Why Isn't There Mouse-Flavored Catfood?

Seriously, why not? Cats love to eat mice. Well at least kill them.

I get hyper and start saying strange things when I'm tired. @-@

I had an UBER exciting and successful day. I got 3 1/2 service hours done, I went to a retirement home and hung out with the old peeps. Then I had to go summer-shopping. But I was able to get an easter dress, shoes, and one swimsuit. It's lime-green and white striped. The top is a bikini and the bottom is shorts. The way I like it. :D

I got to hang out all day with my friend, you know, the one whose codename is Chiizu. Then we ate supper at a mexican restaurant. Chiizu was so full, and she said she was pregnant on food. lol.

I'm hanging out mostly on TegakiE lately... mostly lurking, until I can get my tablet. If I buy it directly from the site, the most safe way, it's like $130. I'm not sure if I should trust Ebay...

I had ideas for some new mews, so please, whoever's reading this, don't take the names. Gurinpisu (green peas), Starapple, Starfruit, Grumichama, Miracle Fruit, and Ninniku (black garlic).

Eneko out!
