So... no picture for today... I'm really sad. The last birdie left the nest :(
I did some more searching on Google and supposedly Cardinals leave the nest around 10 days after hatching. The babies had to be more than a couple days old when I saw them, since they left like two days ago. I just hope Momma will lay more eggs!
Uhmm... other news...
OH YEAH!! I FINALLY HAVE ENOUGH TO BUY A TABLET!!! WHOOOO! I'm gonna buy a VisTablet 12-inch directly from the website, which is $130. I have $157 saved up just in case the shipping is a lot. I dunno where their company is located.
I'm sooo excited! After I get used to it, I'mma join Tegaki Mew Mew. *searches for a second*
...Now I dunno... I'm not sure if I wanna join now... Like, I hate coming into RP's late because people won't know me at first. And (OMG Eneko's going to share with you some secret things about herself) I have this thing where I hate when people don't follow the Mew-rules. Lotsa peoples' outfits are all wrong-- no seams, lopsided, you name it. Either that or some people just don't draw anime well. I think that if I joined I'd be too mean or snobby or selective or something... I don't wanna make people mad! I just have my personal opinions.
I just got the sudden urge to see if I can make my own Mew Mew group...
>.< NO. No one will join anyways. They'll think I'm a copycat.
So I think the Tegaki Mew Mew's off for me...
Anyway, different matters. I really can't wait to actually be able to draw on TegakiE and also to comment fast! (Some of) You don't know how hard it is to draw well with a mouse. WITHOUT THE STRAIGHT- OR CURVY-LINE TOOL IN PAINT.
So I've sorta thought about Orpheus's (my hoppip gijinka) story: He's a little Hoppip kid, then he gets peer pressure and starts doing drugs and evolves into a punk Skiploom teenager, then he decides he really wants to be clean, after a long while he finally quits (unbelievable, no?) and evolves a third time to a Jumpluff! And he'll be a gentleman. And he'll be allergic to his own pollen! *v* (shiny eyes) I really can't wait to develop him as a character!
Now for TheO information. I drew some chibis of the characters of TMM. I referenced someone's drawing though, and I need to pm them to see if it's okay with them if I submit it. She was SailorUsagiChan I think... *checks* Actually she said she got it from the manga so I'm gonna do it anyway. So I have that to upload...
Also I made little keychains of my Mews! They're adorable. I gotta show you sometime.
Eneko Out!