Dark here!
This place is where I write down my stories about people with tragick life or ending. Maybe I can do some fan stories. With Naruto, Bleach and many more. Every stories has a tragick happening. My stories are like this: If something bad happens first, then it`s a happy ending or the other way. It`s never first it happens something good and then a happy ending, but my stories can be just bad. Something bad happens and a sad end.
Got it?
I`m bad at english so it can be something wrong with the text or something tha makes it difficult to read.
This is also a club too. You can share your stories here so people can read it.
But you have to PM me if your gonna share your story. And you can become a member and send in stories once in a while.
Hope you join me and my friends(my OCs) in this small world.
Oh, Bloody Hell...
It was no coincidence by choosing you
It was fate not out of the blue
You were given a great power
You are one of us, but still you’re not
We can’t keep you, we can’t hold you back
But we can defend you, we can attack
Even if you bear the blood inside
You are free, you are strong
There is nothing wrong
Being who you are
A daughter of the dragon
Was there a time when I was feeling
The time for shade of hope or fear
Sometimes I wonder, am I breathing
When was it when we were dreaming
When did the sun, stop from shining
Remember when I felt the rain
Sometimes I wonder, Am I fading
When we were hurting
Did I need the pain just to feel alive
Did I get this numb just to survive
Did I need the rain just to feel alive
Did I get this cold, just to survive
[ Find more Lyrics at www.mp3lyrics.org/JOoW ]
Was there a child who was dreaming
When did I loose the sense of me
Sometimes I wonder, am I sleeping
When stoppde I desiring
Did I need the pain just to feel alive
Did I get this numb just to survive
Did I need the rain just to feel alive
Did I get this cold, just to survive
Would you please, could someone please
Could someone make me unbroken again
Is there someone I could reach
Could someone make me whole again
Was there a time when I was feeling
The time for shade of hope or fear
Sometimes I wonder, am I breathing
When was it when we were dreaming
... we were dreaming
The scars on my back
After a sinister, distant past
Of pain and fear
They did nothing but torture me
Making me cry and scream
They laughed at me
It hurts still
Deep in my heart
My memory
The scars on my back
After a sinister, distant past
Of cruelty and death
I walked through the darkness
And void
For so long
Only to forget who I am
The other me
The scars on my back
After a sinister, distant past
Of agony and despair
I cried a lot
And the tears was replaced
By blood
It hurts every time
I cry
So I quit
The scars on my back
After a sinister, distant past
Of gore and insanity
One day
I met him
The scars on my back
Were replaced
By the number
The scars on my back
After a sinister, distant past
Of sacrifices and suicides
Now I don’t cry anymore
Not a bit
The life flows through me
Once again
I feel alive
As I sing in the darkness
The scars on my back
After a sinister, distant past
Of longing and insecurity
Now hear my voice
I’m free
But I’m still not like you
The demon is still inside me
The dark side
My other self
The scars on my back
After a sinister, distant past
Of sorrow and vengeance
Look at the sky
I’m flying over you
With my black feather wings
Look I’m happy again
With nobody to pull me down
Ever again
The scars on my back
Are still there
Not that I care anymore…
with broken heart.
The cold and the hate
takes over my feelings
and kills them.
Blood on my pillow
and my body is numb
Nobody heard my prayers,
nobody heard my screams of help.
I’m alone.
The blanket over my,
but no warmth.
The man kind have betrayed,
they are gone from my mind.
Nobody sings for me
or cheer up.
The day disappea s
and the dark step forth
from his hiding place.
The shadows crawls back
and engrosses the day.
The Silence.
My pale body,
eyes stare out the window.
Scratch noises outside
that window.
Begging to come in
I walk to it
and open the window for it.
A shadow flows in,
circles around the bed.
Lay myself upon the bed
once again
in depression.
The shadow takes a shape
of a man
in a night black cape.
He lies beside me
brushes my hair away
from my face.
Whispers stories
into my ear
The hate and cold
the warmth,
I’m happy.
He whispers in the end
“Good Night…”
Then everything turns black,
but he’s there
Watching me…