The road so far ;)

Greetings, I guess being absent so long could indicate that I'm gone for good. Fortunately that isn't so. I graduated the vocational school and started living a life outside of,... well not on my moms couch. I actually moved my little sister on with me and we moved a number of times and both have had several jobs. Nothing too exciting in our waking moments right? Well let me get the little incidents out while I can. So I got picked up by a, let's just use the word "creep". You Know the type, at least 3 times my age, smelled my hair and was hands on. This is the reason I won't let my sister walk anywhere. That happened within a month of being out of school. About a month later a vehicle crossed the road in front of us illeagally and we nearly t-boned. Luckily I was able to break warning the car behind me and only clipping the tail of the perpetrator who didn't stop. Then I lost my job due to no more work, which is a nice way of saying that I was let go for working too hard and being a better leader than some of our leaders. Before they decided to give me the boot, I was given solo tasks where others worked on teams. Then of course the decision was made to try and get me to quit an they tried everything. Calling me in at 4am, switching the location I'll be working with little notice. Changing the time and location I would be working and not telling me. My boss called me on my day off to yell at me then ask if o wanted to quit. My first paycheck from the company was four weeks late sending me my first check and usually had me work 10 hours knowing it was an hour drive from my cabin to the site. Then one day the boss called as I was getting ready for work and said that there was no work and I wasn't to come back. When the unemployment center called that's what they stuck with. The next incident is different. We got evicted in the dead of an Alaskan winter because our landlord got caught not counting our rent money as an income. And he was only found out because I submitted my rental agreement as proof of residency. And they reduced his senior income by $3. XP needless to say we disappointed but glad to make that move. Next was the leaking dry cabin. The location was beautiful and right next to the river, but the building was not made properly. It was cold all the time and sweated so bad that in the coarse of a fee short months everything we owned was molded. we moved to this new place closer to our current jobs. The landlord of the sweaty cabin didn't give us our deposit back. In the meantime if I'm not suffering from insomnea I'm having nightmares. Here's an irrelevant question for you guys. What would you do if you didn't recognize your reflection in the mirror?
