Hi there everyone! I decided that this world is in DESPERATE need of a makeover! So Prussia has invaded and taken over my background! D8 Not to fear though! He's friendly, and only wants to improve my world!
With that said, welcome to my world of epic anime!
Bad news. I head out of town this Sunday and won't be back til Saturday. It sucks really bad and I don't want to. But, once I get back, I really will be up for clubs and role plays and what not! I'll take my sketch book and try to knock out some fan stuff while I'm away, but no promises there! XD
So yeah! I'm not dead! *gasp!* School will be getting out soon *YATTA* and I will be able to get back on here more frequently! What does this mean? Glad you asked! :D
1. I can FINALLY do those art requests of yours! I haven't forgotten any of them! I promise! Especially you two contest winners! ;D
2. More fics and stuff from me! XD If you really wanna read them that is...
3. I will be open for rps and other Club/World activities! ^^
4. United World will have more regular/frequent/reliable updates! <3
5. ...Suggestions?
The only thing I must say though is I will definitely be gone the week of June 13 so don't expect ANYTHING then! XD
Some reasons why I love Hetalia that relate to the real world:
1. (according to my chemistry teacher who is probably wrong about this but it still made me laugh in reference to APH) "In France, they don't have dressing rooms. Men just try on their new pants in the middle of the store!"
(my APH thoughts: France-niichan changing pants in the middle of a store hon hon hon~)
2. (again, according to my chemistry teacher... OTL) "Germans like to go to the beach nude. For some reason they like showing off their bodies no matter if it's in good shape or not!"
(my APH thoughts: Germany... running on the beach... naked... like the girls from Baywatch 0_e)
3. (my history teacher this time! We were discussing WW2 and Germany taking back land that had been taken from it/him.) "And then Germany and Russia invaded Poland from both sides."
(my APH thoughts: GermanyXRussiaXPoland!? WTF!?)
4. (history teacher again, I had asked why Germany was trying to regain lost land like Poland but Austria didn't seem interested. His response...) "Austria and Germany were in bed together."
(I think you know the thoughts I had there related to APH...)
And that's all for today! I hope you enjoyed this episode of The Pervy Isoka! XD
OK! For everyone that has played HeartGold OR SoulSilver, I have one question for you!
The games look EPIC. O_O But! I am a very stingy person! Is it worth spending $35+ for? Or should I just wait a few months in hopes that the prices go down? I have several friends with one or the other and I want to join in the fun! But... should I?
Love, Iso~
WHY CAN'T CHARMANDER BE A STARTER FOR EVERY VERSION!? Love him so much~ *huggles plushie*