Hi there everyone! I decided that this world is in DESPERATE need of a makeover! So Prussia has invaded and taken over my background! D8 Not to fear though! He's friendly, and only wants to improve my world!

With that said, welcome to my world of epic anime!

The Results are IN!

Well, the poll is over. And the winner is...

By a landslide. 6-1 (including my vote! Sorry Tracy!) I voted Brock because to me, he's like the glue that held Ash and Misty together. He had his silly/funny moments, but overall he kept the others from going TOO overboard. When Tracy came in it was almost like Misty had to take over as "the glue" which to me didn't have the same effect. I liked Tracy, don't get me wrong, but I feel that Brock did a better job as the "third wheel" in that group!

Thank you everyone that voted! We'll have another poll sometime soon!


Hey guys! I'm probably behind the times, but I'm currently watching Howl's Moving Castle for the very first time! Yay Howl! So, so far this is my fave scene. By my avatar you all can probably tell I LOVE LOVE Gaara-sama from Naruto, and tend to have things for other guys with unusually (mostly red) hair! This scene was funny to me because of that! Hope you enjoy!

PS: Don't be offended if your hair is red/orange-ish!

First Fanart!

For anyone who really cares about it, I submitted my first fanart last night and when I checked my new messages this morning, it says it has been published! Hooray! So I decided I'd post my art here and if anyone wants to go fave/hug it they can! I hope everyone likes it! Those of you who read this from Community Fusion, you've already seen it and I dedicated it to you guys!

While We're on the Subject

Since I've been conducting my poll on Pokemon, I figured I'd post a pic to keep everyone in the mood and interested. So, this is my fave Pokemon of all time! Sorry I haven't posted in a while!

Name: Charmander
Type: Fire
Species: Lizard
Name Origin: Charcoal, and Salamander
First Appearance: Season 1, Episode 1 "Pokemon - I Choose You!" Although his first major appearance was Season 1, Episode 11 "Charmander - The Stray Pokemon"
Color: (obviously) Orange with Blue/Green eyes
Evolves At: L16 into Charmeleon
Special Info: If the flame on the end of its tail goes out, it dies. This has never happened to any of the Charmander in the anime, games, or manga though.
My Input: Absolutely adorable! I wish I had a real one for a pet!

Let's Take a Poll!

My original intent for my world was to do stuff more like this rather than just having a bunch of videos. The vids are important, but discussion is too! SO! The way this will work (hopefully) is I'll present the question and anyone who wants to participate can comment their vote and I'll tally them all up after maybe a week or so and we'll see who the winner is! Ready...here's the question!

Since (so far) everyone who's come to my world has been a fan of the original Pokemon series and also since I count Orange Islands as part of the originals, who was everyone's favorite between Brock and Tracy?

Like I said, comment your answers and I'll announce the winner after a week or so! Remember, you can't vote for both! Have fun!