
Some reasons why I love Hetalia that relate to the real world:

1. (according to my chemistry teacher who is probably wrong about this but it still made me laugh in reference to APH) "In France, they don't have dressing rooms. Men just try on their new pants in the middle of the store!"
(my APH thoughts: France-niichan changing pants in the middle of a store hon hon hon~)

2. (again, according to my chemistry teacher... OTL) "Germans like to go to the beach nude. For some reason they like showing off their bodies no matter if it's in good shape or not!"
(my APH thoughts: Germany... running on the beach... naked... like the girls from Baywatch 0_e)

3. (my history teacher this time! We were discussing WW2 and Germany taking back land that had been taken from it/him.) "And then Germany and Russia invaded Poland from both sides."
(my APH thoughts: GermanyXRussiaXPoland!? WTF!?)

4. (history teacher again, I had asked why Germany was trying to regain lost land like Poland but Austria didn't seem interested. His response...) "Austria and Germany were in bed together."
(I think you know the thoughts I had there related to APH...)

And that's all for today! I hope you enjoyed this episode of The Pervy Isoka! XD
