- Created By Dihared
Tony's Super Sexy Adventure *Which is Super!.....and sexy*
One Super Sexy day in Chicago at the super sexy museum....
Super Sexy Tony was looking at the moderately Sexy Dinosaur Bones.
"These bones are looking moderately sexy today, right Pizana?" Said Tony..... Who was Super Sexy.
"Yes Tony these bones are moderately Sexy" Confirmed Pizana.
"It would be ashamed if these moderately sexy Dinosaur bones were to be stolen by a Super Sexy ninja chick." Said Tony in a Sexy voice which was also Super and Sexy.
"Don't say that Tony, something THAT super and sexy just might happen!" Warned Hime in worried tone, which was moderately sexy too.
BAM!!! A super sexy ninja chick came and stole the toe of the T-Rex... Did I mention she was super sexy? Her name was unknown, but it didn't matter because she was so super sexy that it did not matter.
"Muhahahaha, the Moderately Sexy toe from the T-Rex is mine!!!" Said the Super Sexy Ninja Chick as she ran away.
To make this Super Sexy Story come to a quick conclusion, I am going to tell how it ended.... It was Super and Sexy. So use your imagination on how it ended.
P.S. Please do not use too much imagination.
...cannot the Kingdom of Salvation take me home?
As most of my closest friends know I'm a big fan of the band Metallica. And today I'd like to make a post that is to be remembered of the man named Cliff Burton who was a former bassists for Metallica, but past away September 27, 1986. It was the night they were having a tour for "Master of Puppets" album and Cliff was killed on a bus accident. The dude was one of the best bass players I ever known. That's why I want to pay my respects to him.