Welcome to my crazy World of Anime Quotes! If you love anime and really want to read some fun quotes your in the right place. This place may even help you to find a new manga! Please comment so we can have discussions on some of these quotes! It's much more fun that way! Welcome and enjoy my little world!
~Fai D Flo~
- Created By Fai D Flo
(Pandora Hearts)Xerxes Break
"A loyalty that holds fast will become a blade, and will pierce someday those you hold dear. So open your eyes wide. That is, if you... don't want to end up like me..."
I love Xerxes. He's such a messed up character and I really feel bad for him. All this crap that's fallen on him... I really just want to hug him sometimes. On a happier note: this series is AWESOME! If you've never read/watched Pandora Hearts than you definitely should! It's filled with action, comedy, and lots of feels (obviously).
"Tulip head."
I don't know how many of you have watched this anime but it's pretty cute. Hayate is always calling the main character (Himeno) by this name. It really pisses her off. There's a whole story about this and if you haven't seen Pretear you probably won't find it funny. Sorry!
(FullMetal Alchemist) Greed:
"Well it's the same ass."
Sorry about the swear, but seriously my sister and I were rolling on the floor laughing. It started out like this:
Old Man Foo jumps in and saves Greed/Ling Yoa.
Greed: You came to save ass!
Foo: I did not come to save your ass, I came to save the young prince's ass.
Greed: Well it's the same ass.
(Fulll Moon O Sagashite) Takuto:
"If you do that, you'll become a shinigami forever. You'll be thrown into a mze with no exits and simply suffer. You'll be tortured by regret and feel empty."
This quote is so sad. It's Takuto talking to Hikari about killing herself. I really love this quote because it's so... mesmerizing I guess. But then you have to love how Hikari responds to this heartfelt comment. "You say weird things as if they're true."
(Host Club) Tamaki:
"Twins with too much time on their hands... are the devil!"
For those of you who don't know, this quote comes after the twin's big "fight" that turns out to have been fake. I love the way he says it as he collapses on the floor with Haruhi. It's soooo funny!!!!!