well my little bro is sining up on the otaku because he loves drawing!!!
BUT DONT BLAME HIM IF U THINK HE DESOENT Draw GOOD OR spell things rigth so just give him a break because hes only 9 and hes not good...BUT HE WANTS TO GET BETTER THOUGH!!!!
and everytime im on the otaku looking at my friends art hes like.. WOW THERE SUPER GOOD!!!
ok like all the people who joined this world are super good at drawing! and i check ur art evreyday and he loves ur art!!
so hes also joining my world! and he loves drawing knights....AND KAKASHI!!!!
and hes joining my contest.
his user name is: little Kashi
his real name is: Frederik (Frederik-Kun)
Erika-Kun Your hokage
(and i dont think i spell things right ether)