Welcome to the Eternal Rain universe! Look here for updates about projects in the works and previews to Eternal Rain, Eternal Storm, and their prequels, sequels and spin-offs. There will also be bonuses like profiles and memes.

Story genres: Action, adventure, drama, sci-fi, fantasy, shonen
Rating: PG/Teen (13+) for sci-fi/fantasy violence

Story, characters, logos (c)KG Comics/Kita Mikichi


Character Index:

Eternal Rain
Toki | Kita | Reka | Takeshi | Sharon | Mara | Kiara | Jun-ai | Shaoqiang |
Yuki | Mizuki | Hisao | Shuuichi | Katsushiro | Daisuke | Rain & Storm antagonists

Eternal Storm
Shiori | Atsuko | Sora | Toshirou | Nasim | Yousef | Taki | Takumi | Hoshi

Keyholders' Legacy
Kaori | Nikkou | Hideo | Enes

Branch Index:

Eternal Rain
Prequels: Flashbacks | Takeover | Pressured | Rebellion
Sequels: Unbound | Revisited | Alliance

Eternal Storm

Keyholder Chronicles

Keyholders' Legacy

Preview Index:

Eternal Rain
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Eternal Storm
1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Keyholders' Legacy
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Side Notes:
Quick Reference | Who's Who? | Character Progression

The Cast: Kiara Louw

Eternal Rain features a large cast of diverse characters...

The Cast: Earthen Keyholders

Kiara Louw is one of the team's defensive specialists.

Specialty: Telekinetic abilities, barriers
Likes: Jewelry, collecting cute trinkets, shopping
Dislikes: being talked down to, being ignored, pain/getting dirty
Relatives of note: mother, father
Closest friends: Mara

Others' views of her...
Takeshi: She's great at defense, but she doesn't really try to get along with the others on the team.
Reka: She's kind of a diva. -_-'
Toki: She's stuck-up and stubborn. >.< (Takeshi: C'mon, Toki, be nice.)
Kita: Kiara's got a sharp tongue. She's a little scary. 0_0
Mara: She has a lot of pride, but she has a soft side, too. ^^ (Kita: You're too nice. ^^')
Sharon: She has possessiveness issues. :(

Stay in Character Meme: Kita

Ellie and Chi tagged me in this meme over on DA. :D ______________________________________________________ Rules: 1. Pick a character, stay in character 2. Make them answer the questions 3. Tag some ...

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In the Works

Eternal Rain rewrite This project is pretty much finished. I am basically making tweaks here and there, though I have a few characters I'd like to develop better -- specifically Takeshi, whose main function at the moment is...

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The Cast: Shuuichi Makino

Eternal Rain features a large cast of diverse characters...

The Cast: Allies from the Fire Gate

Shūichi Makino relays intelligence to the forces in the Fire Gate's Llania region - and secretly to the Keyholders, as well. He is highly-regarded for his information-gathering skills.

Specialty: Fire and magma elemental defense, mid-range; His rank is Yogan (elite fighter class).
Likes: Kids, Building, working with computers and other technology
Dislikes: fighting, unfairness
Relatives of note: mother, father, older brother (Hikaru)
Closest friends: Reka, Katsushiro, Daisuke, Takeshi, Yuki, Hisao

Others' views of him...
Takeshi: Shūichi is very brave and admirable. ^-^
Reka: He can be a bit of a busybody, but he means well. ^-^
Toki: He seems kind of mysterious. 0_0
Kita: He's pretty amazing, if you ask me. He's bright and helps out a lot despite his handicap. d^^
Katsushiro: He's the protective big-brother type. ^^
Daisuke: He's too serious most of the time. >.<
Yuki: Shūichi is fun and sweet; in a lot of ways, he and Takeshi are alike. =^^=

The Cast: Mara Ndala

Eternal Rain features a large cast of diverse characters...

The Cast: Earthen Keyholders

Mara Ndala is the team's motivator.

Specialty: Hand-to-hand, close range
Likes: athletics, art, music, animals
Dislikes: arguing
Relatives of note: Mother, father
Closest friends: Kiara, Sharon, Toki, Takeshi, Kita

Others' reactions to her...
Takeshi: Mara is a very kind girl. ^-^
Reka: She's real easy-going and gets along with everybody. ^^
Toki: I like her; she's nice. ^^
Kita: She's crazy-fast, and a good fighter. ^^b
Sharon: She's so innocent and friendly. ^^
Kiara: Mara's my bff. There's nothing she isn't good at. ^-^