Welcome to the Eternal Rain universe! Look here for updates about projects in the works and previews to Eternal Rain, Eternal Storm, and their prequels, sequels and spin-offs. There will also be bonuses like profiles and memes.

Story genres: Action, adventure, drama, sci-fi, fantasy, shonen
Rating: PG/Teen (13+) for sci-fi/fantasy violence

Story, characters, logos (c)KG Comics/Kita Mikichi


Character Index:

Eternal Rain
Toki | Kita | Reka | Takeshi | Sharon | Mara | Kiara | Jun-ai | Shaoqiang |
Yuki | Mizuki | Hisao | Shuuichi | Katsushiro | Daisuke | Rain & Storm antagonists

Eternal Storm
Shiori | Atsuko | Sora | Toshirou | Nasim | Yousef | Taki | Takumi | Hoshi

Keyholders' Legacy
Kaori | Nikkou | Hideo | Enes

Branch Index:

Eternal Rain
Prequels: Prologue | Flashbacks | Trigger | Takeover | Pressured | Rebellion
Sequels: Unbound | Revisited | Alliance

Eternal Storm

Keyholder Chronicles

Keyholders' Legacy

Preview Index:

Eternal Rain
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Eternal Storm
1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Keyholders' Legacy
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Side Notes:
Quick Reference | Who's Who? | Character Progression

Eternal Rain's Backstory

Not too far into the future, Earth is on the brink of disaster. Food and water are contaminated and unsuitable to consume. War, overpopulation and pollution threaten to destroy the planet. As a last resort, expeditions go out to other planets; all...

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