Eternal Rain features a large cast of diverse characters...
The Cast: Earthen Keyholders
Kiara Louw is one of the team's defensive specialists.
Specialty: Telekinetic abilities, barriers
Likes: Jewelry, collecting cute trinkets, shopping
Dislikes: being talked down to, being ignored, pain/getting dirty
Relatives of note: mother, father
Closest friends: Mara
Others' views of her...
Takeshi: She's great at defense, but she doesn't really try to get along with the others on the team.
Reka: She's kind of a diva. -_-'
Toki: She's stuck-up and stubborn. >.< (Takeshi: C'mon, Toki, be nice.)
Kita: Kiara's got a sharp tongue. She's a little scary. 0_0
Mara: She has a lot of pride, but she has a soft side, too. ^^ (Kita: You're too nice. ^^')
Sharon: She has possessiveness issues. :(